Rethinking Imitation-based Planners for Autonomous Driving

Jie Cheng1 Yingbing Chen1 Xiaodong Mei1 Bowen Yang1 Bo Li3 Ming Liu1,2*
*Corresponding Author.
1Hong Kong University of Science and Technology 2Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (GuangZhou) 3Lotus Technology

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In recent years, imitation-based driving planners have reported considerable success. However, due to the absence of a standardized benchmark, the effectiveness of various designs remains unclear. The newly released nuPlan addresses this issue by offering a large-scale real-world dataset and a standardized closed-loop benchmark for equitable comparisons. Utilizing this platform, we conduct a comprehensive study on two fundamental yet underexplored aspects of imitation-based planners: the essential features for ego planning and the effective data augmentation techniques to reduce compounding errors. Furthermore, we highlight an imitation gap that has been overlooked by current learning systems. Finally, integrating our findings, we propose a strong baseline model—PlanTF. Our results demonstrate that a well-designed, purely imitation-based planner can achieve highly competitive performance compared to state-of-the-art methods involving hand-crafted rules and exhibit superior generalization capabilities in long-tail cases. Our model and benchmarks are publicly available.


For evaluation, 14 scenario types specified by the nuPlan Planning Challenge are considered, each comprising 20 scenarios. We examine two different scenario selection schemes:

(1) Test14-random: scenarios are randomly sampled from each type and fixed after selection.

(2) Test14-hard: in order to investigate the planner's performance on long-tail scenarios, we execute 100 scenarios of each type using a state-of-the-art rule-based planner (PDM-Closed), subsequently selecting the 20 least-performing scenarios of each type.


We employ the official evaluation metrics provided by nuPlan. Detailed calculation methods can be found in nuPlan metrics.

(1) OLS: open-loop score.

(2) NR-CLS: closed-loop score with non-reactive traffic agents.

(2) R-CLS: closed-loop score with reactive traffic agents.

Main results

Fig.1 - Baseline model used for experiments
Tab.1 - Results with different input features of Ego vehicle
  • Experimental results shows that shortcut learning generally occurs for input features, such as historical motions and single-frame kinematic states (Tab. 1). This leads to an interesting observation: State3, as an ambiguous model (loses all kinematic information and poor OLS), yet has stronger CLS. Can we have both good OLS and CLS?
  • Fig.2 - State dropout encoder (SDE)
    Tab.2 - Experimental results of the state dropout encoder
  • We propose state dropout encoder (SDE) (Fig. 2), which drops individual kinematic state with a certain probability during training. State5 and state6 models augmented with SDE exhibit not only improved closed-loop score but also substantially higher open-loop score, score, providing compelling evidence for the efficacy of SDE.
  • Fig.3 - (a) The original scenario. (b) Random noise is added to the AV’s current state and history motion is smoothed. (c) The coordinates of the scenario are re-normalized based on the perturbed position of the AV. (d) A corrected future trajectory is generated using constrained nonlinear optimization.
    Tab.3 - Results of different augmentation and normalization combinations on Test14-random benchmark. P: Perturbation; RN: Re-Normalization; FC: Future Correction.
  • Our results demonstrate that perturbation is vital for reducing compounding errors, but only effective with appropriate feature normalization.
  • Comparison to state-of-the-art

    Tab. 4 - indicates these methods' final output trajectory relies on rule-based strategies or post-optimization.
  • By incorporating our findings, the proposed purely learning-based baseline model, PlanTF, demonstrates impressive performance compared to state-of-the-art approaches and is on par with methods that employ intricate rule-based strategies or post-optimization. This highlights the importance of proper design choices for imitation learning-based planners.
  • Test14-hard example scenarios (Expert+LQR)

    Click to play the videos (playspeed × 2.0).

    Comparative results (Test14-hard, non-reactive)

    We show the comparative results of our model and other state-of-the-art planners on the Test14-hard benchmark. The following examples scenarios demonstrate that while partially rule-based planner performs well on most of the ordinary scenarios, they may struggle to generalize to unusual/long-tail cases.

    [1] D. Dauner et al., “Parting with misconceptions about learning-based vehicle motion planning", CoRL 2023.
    [2] Z. Huang et al., "Gameformer: Game-theoretic modeling and learning of transformer-based interactive prediction and planning for autonomous driving", ICCV 2023.

    sharp right turn + change lane

    sudden stop with leading vehicle

    unprotected left turn

    Consecutive lane change at pickup/dropoff

    waiting for pedestrian at crosswalk (better viewed at fullscreen)

    Limitation & Failure cases

    Although our method significantly enhances pure imitation driving performance, it merely serves as a starting point and possesses substantial potential for improvement. We discovered that PlanTF often falters in scenarios necessitating dedicated operations and struggles to execute self-motivated lane changes. We attribute these issues primarily to the fundamental mismatch between open-loop training and closed-loop testing, reserving the exploration of closed-loop training for future work.


    Tab.5 - Comparison to SOTA on Val14 benchmark
    Tab.6 - Ablation study on the state dropout rate of the SDE.


      title={Rethinking Imitation-based Planners for Autonomous Driving},
      author={Jie Cheng and Yingbing Chen and Xiaodong Mei and Bowen Yang and Bo Li and Ming Liu},

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